
Showing posts from January, 2020

Current Coronavirus Crisis Might Just Be the Beginning

Some experts predict that the 2019-nCo virus might be infinitely more dangerous than the early 2000s SARS outbreak which killed 800 people and infected about 8,000 others. The warning came as the casualty count in China continues to climbed to 2,700 infections and 80 deaths. According to models, the number of domestic infections could reach…

Alaska Dentist Extracted Tooth While Riding a Hoverboard

An Anchorage dentist was convicted on multiple criminal counts, including Medicaid fraud and failing to abide by the medical standard of care. Superior Court Judge Michael Wolverton said the state presented an “overwhelming” amount of evidence during a five-week trial. According to prosecutors, Dr. Seth Lookhart performed a number of unlawful acts. That included sedating…

Panthers LB Luke Kuechly Announces Retirement

The 28-year old from Boston College was the Rookie of the Year in 2012 and the Defensive Player of the Year in 2013. In 2021, he will not suit up at all. Citing the risk of multiple concussions, Luke Kuechly said he was stepping away from football. Kuechly sustained serious head injuries in 2015, 2016,…

What to Do Immediately After a Car Accident

If you have been involved in a car accident, you know it can be very difficult to think quickly and to know what you should do next. But a wrong move could result in you accepting liability for a crash that wasn’t your fault. That’s why it is pivotal to know beforehand what you should…

How to Be Safe with Your Baby in the Car

With their spine still developing and heads large for their bodies, babies are at a higher risk of injury in crashes. If you’ve placed your child riding facing forward, in a crash, his spinal cord could stretch, resulting in serious injuries or death. Hence, we recommend riding with your baby facing the rear in a…

Automotive Assembly Plant Closures And Opioid Overdoses

A recent study showed an association between automotive assembly plant closures and opioid overdose deaths in the U.S. The study compared counties that had automotive assembly plant closures with ones where the plants remained open from 1999 to 2016. Researchers examined opioid overdose death rates among adults ages 18 to 65 and selected 112 manufacturing…

NC Cancer Cluster Raises Serious Questions

Five people on one street in a Charlotte suburb have developed thyroid tumors. There is evidence that toxins from a nearby power plant might be responsible for the cancer cluster. Iredell County resident Susan Wind first became concerned when her then-16-year-old daughter developed a small lump behind her ear. Doctors eventually discovered that both she…

New Findings on Effectiveness of HPV Vaccine

A new study suggests that the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine has little to do with number of doses received. The recommended series has always been two or three doses, but a study published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open suggests any dose is better then none. Although it is too early for people…

Ikea To Pay $46 Million in Wrongful Death Claim

The home furniture giant agreed to pay the record amount to resolve a claim that its dresser tipped over, killing a 2-year-old boy. The settlement is almost three times greater than a similar one the company reached with three families in 2016. Although the dresser was only thirty inches high, it fell onto Jozef Dudek…

Tour Bus Wreck in PA Kills and Injures 60+ People

Overall, the overnight wreck on the Pennsylvania Turnpike killed five people and seriously injured sixty others. According to investigators, the Z&D Tours bus rolled downhill and careened off an embankment prior to overturning. Two large trucks then collided with the wrecked bus. Investigators ruled out icy conditions as a cause, but they still do not…

How Does Nurse Burnout Affect Patient Care?

New York nurses experience “extremely high rates of burnout,” according to a national labor union. This burnout affects the patients they attend to, as well as the nurses themselves. Many nurses must deal with poor working conditions. A significant number of nurses said they have been victims of workplace violence or bullying, and a majority…

PFOA Water Poisoning and the Dairy Industry

Once toxins like polyfluoroalkyl substances leech into local water supplies, the people who drink the tainted water are not the only ones adversely affected. Mark Schaap, a dairy farmer in New Mexico, became concerned when a local Air Force base advised him and his family not to drink the water. Officials believed that years of PFOA contamination…