
Showing posts from 2020

Sex Trafficking: Our Worst Global Pandemic

As America and the rest of the world battle the Coronavirus crisis, we have, within our midst, what is one of the worst global pandemics to ever strike humankind. While many think of slavery as a thing of the past, sex slaves are sold right under our noses, on a daily basis, and most of…

Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Coronavirus

Many employers have furloughed or laid off their workers because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Others have directed employees to work from home. But many others must still travel to work every morning. These people include food service retailers, hospital workers, emergency responders, utility workers, and the list goes on. In normal times, according to the…

Where Do Most Accidents On The Road Occur?

When it comes to auto accidents, the numbers are real and they’re scary. In fact, in the US, nearly 40,000 people are killed in vehicle accidents every year. We don’t tend to think about being involved in one until it happens. Understanding where most accidents occur on the roadway can help you to heighten your…

Untold Truths Behind Cyber Security and Data Breaches

According to one security report from BBC News, data breaches are a time bomb that allows the customer’s privacy to be violated and their information to be exposed. Another article from the same source reveals that criminals on the internet can see through your smart cameras and baby monitors when they are on their default…

Cómo mantener a tu familia segura durante el brote de COVID

Hace unas semanas el COVID-19 principalmente afectaba a personas en lugares que muchos neoyorquinos (incluyendo a muchas personas que trabajamos en esta oficina) no conocían. Luego se identificó un caso en el “Tri-State área”, seguido de otro y de otro. Rápidamente ocurrió lo inimaginable. El número de casos súbitamente triplicó y el Gobernador Cuomo declaró…

Cronología de una demanda por daños

La gran mayoría de las reclamaciones por daños no llegan al tribunal. De hecho, más del 95% de estos asuntos se resuelven fuera del tribunal. Algunos casos se transigen rápido, pero en su mayor parte, el proceso de transacción toma tiempo. Al igual que con otras negociaciones, es importante no llevar estos procesos de manera…

Coronavirus y tu trabajo

Desde el surgimiento del brote de COVID-19, a muchas personas les preocupa contagiarse con el virus en el trabajo o mientras se transportan a este. Generalmente, si el empleado expresa preocupación por el coronavirus y rehúsa asistir a trabajar, el empleador puede legalmente despedirlo. Trabajar desde la casa no es un derecho fundamental, ni tan…

Is COVID-19 Covered Under Force Majeure Clauses?

When COVID-19 first began rampaging through China, the Western world got a taste of the disruption it would bring to businesses. Suddenly, supply chains went into lockdown, and manufacturers couldn’t get the materials they needed. Now that the virus is on home soil in full swing, the further disruptions in supply chains and businesses due…

DOJ Goes After Fake Robocalls, Phone Scams

According to a press release that was released at the end of March, from the United States Department of Justice, telecommunications carriers from both New York and Arizona have been banned from transmitting fake robocalls in large volumes. The bans come after orders were given in 2 cases in New York’s Eastern District. VoIP Calls…

Are Healthcare Facilities Liable for Failing To Provide PPE

Attorneys all over the country have been receiving phone calls from nurses, med techs, and other health care workers since shortly after the COVID-19 crisis began. Doctors and nurses everywhere have been inquiring as to what their legal remedies may be if they have been exposed to the Coronavirus due to the lack of personal…

Prescription Drug Elmiron May Cause Vision Loss

A medication that is prescribed to treat various bladder issues has been linked to a rare vision problem known as pigmentary maculopathy, and other conditions which can cause the victim to lose his or her sight. Recent research reports show that condition occurs in patients who have been using Elmiron long-term and is causing vision…

Americans Facing the Pandemic Without Water

Americans from every state are being told to shelter in place to avoid the COVID-19 pandemic. Citizens are being told to stay at least 6 feet from everyone else, to stay home as much as possible, wear masks when they have to go in public, and wash their hands many, many times a day. Of…

Lawmaker Consider Additional Waivers for Doctors

Nebraska Republican Ben Sasse recently introduced the Facilitating Innovation to Fight Coronavirus Act. The coronavirus stimulus package already gives limited immunity to some volunteer healthcare workers. Now, a GOP senator wants to take things a step further. This provision would eliminate civil and criminal liability for health care providers who, while combating COVID-19, practice outside…

Coping with Recovery in COVID-19 Isolation

Health professionals from all over the world are studying how addicts are coping with the isolation that is necessary to survive the current global crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a crisis of a completely different sort than any we have dealt with in our generation. Much like the Spanish Flu of 1918, the Coronavirus…

Nursing Home Elder Abuse During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Recently, there has been an increase in concern over elder abuse in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have been keeping up with the news at all, you have probably heard them say thousands of times, “There is no need to panic, this virus is killing only the elderly and those with underlying…

Medical Malpractice: Birth Injury and Birth Defects

Anytime a baby experiences harm during its birth, whether that harm is from birth trauma, some type of infection, or any of the other kinds of birth defects or birth-related injuries, a family is left feeling confused, scared, and angry. Sadly, there are many types of birth injuries, as well as many types of birth…

Child Custody and Visitation in the Coronavirus Age

Necessary Coronavirus COVID-19 restrictions have taken everything familiar about life, such as work schedules, family routines, yes – even child custody and visitation and turned them upside-down. How can you deal with these issues without adding more stress to a stressful situation? Most parenting time plans have an every-other-weekend/every-other-holiday division. Parents in self-imposed or doctor-recommended…

Coronavirus Litigation:COVID-19 Pandemic Plays Out in Court

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to plague the United States and the rest of the world, public officials in multiple offices have been served with lawsuits over the way they have handled various aspects of the global crisis. From price-gouging vendors to the nation of China, defendants are being accused of anything from taking advantage…

FDA Demands Zantac Recall

Recent evidence links the popular heartburn medication to an increased cancer risk, thus FDA demands Zantac recall. The agency wants all ranitidine off store shelves effective immediately. Currently, the Food and Drug Administration is sending letters to Sanofi and other ranitidine manufactures asking them to stop making and shipping product. Additionally, the FDA advises consumers…

Timeline of a Personal Injury Lawsuit

The Personal Injury Timeline Most accident claims do not go to court. In fact, over 95 percent of these matters settle out of court. A few cases settle very quickly. But for the most part, the settlement process takes time. As with any other negotiations, it’s important to not resolve the claim too early. If…

What’s the Difference Between Furloughs and Layoffs?

Some words, such as coronavirus and COVID-19, are synonymous. They mean the same thing. Other words, like furlough and layoffs, do not exactly mean the same thing. Both the l-word and the f-word mean the employee is not working. But there are some significant differences, mostly in terms of employee rights. In normal times, employers…

Napoli Shkolnik Files NRWA Suit Against PFAS Manufacturers

Napoli Shkolnik PLLC has filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of members of the National Rural Water Association (NRWA) against multiple PFAS manufacturers. These manufacturers include 3M Co., Tyco Fire Products L.P., National Foam, Inc., Buckeye Fire Protection, Chemguard, E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company (DuPont), and The Chemours Company. They are being sued…

Biometrics Information in the Workplace

Biometrics Information in the Workplace Technology is everywhere around us, from our smart appliances to our healthcare records to the phone in your pocket right now. We have refrigerators that tell us when we are out of milk and smartphone apps that let us know if we forgot to lock our back doors. And now…

Pfizer Suspends EpiPen Injector Sales

Many people trust epinephrine injectors to protect them against serious allergic reactions. It now appears this trust might have been misplaced. The company largely blamed product misuse for the EpiPen injector problems. The failure to release a safety catch and injecting the chemical at the wrong angle might cause either too much or too little…

Third-Hand Smoke: Unseen Toxins in Your Everyday Life

Third-Hand Smoke Toxins Most of us are aware of the dangers of smoking tobacco products. According to the Center for Disease Control, or CDC, smoking causes chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, lung disease, stroke, cancer, and heart disease. Smoking also greatly increases your risk for immune system issues such as rheumatoid…

Coronavirus and Your Job

As the COVID-19 outbreak spreads, many people are worried about contracting the virus at work or during their commutes. Generally, if employees cite coronavirus concerns and refuse to come to work, employers can legally terminate them. Working from home is not a fundamental right even under the Americans with Disabilities Act. However, the United States…

New York Proposal: Suspend Rent Payments for 90 Days

Lawmakers in New York and elsewhere are acting to preserve your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lawmakers are also acting to preserve your economic rights, but this response is a bit slower. New York state Sen. Michael Gianaris proposed the suspension, which has bipartisan support. The proposal would also apply to mortgage payments.…

Electric Scooter-Related Injuries On The Rise

Electric scooters have recently become more and more popular in cities all across the United States, but with that popularity has also come an increase in scooter-related injuries, according to a report from CNN. Known as E-Scooters, these compact modes of transportation are popping up on city streets across the globe and causing more serious…

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

One advocacy group has big plans for Brain Injury Awareness Month, highlighted by an advocacy day in Albany on March 25. Some legislative priorities include “keeping the TBI waiver out of Medicaid managed care, expanding the Concussion Management and Awareness Act of 2011 and creating a resource facilitation program,” said Brain Injury Association of New…

Cruise Ship Passengers Allege Coronavirus Misconduct

Princess Cruise Lines knew that several people aboard the Grand Princess were infected with the coronavirus COVID-19, yet the ship set sail for Hawaii anyway, according to court documents. An earlier coronavirus outbreak on the Diamond Princess put the company on notice that there was a problem, the plaintiffs allege. Therefore, when individuals on the…

Coronavirus Triggers Partial Judicial Shutdown

The coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic triggers partial judicial shutdown via scheduling changes throughout the Empire State. Apart from criminal trials if the defendant is in custody, until further notice, there will be no jury trials in New York except for those already underway. The partial judicial shutdown due to the coronavirus also applies to most…

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

One advocacy group has big plans for Brain Injury Awareness Month, highlighted by an advocacy day in Albany on March 25. Some legislative priorities include “keeping the TBI waiver out of Medicaid managed care, expanding the Concussion Management and Awareness Act of 2011 and creating a resource facilitation program,” said Brain Injury Association of New…

Apple Suspends Face Recognition Clearview AI App

The facial recognition app known as Clearview AI has been suspended from the Apple iOS developer program after it was discovered that the app had violated Apple’s terms in its Developer Enterprise Program. The app will no longer be available for use on all iPhones until the problem has been resolved to the satisfaction of…

Family Safety During the Coronavirus Outbreak

A few short weeks ago, the Coronavirus or COVID-19 primarily only affected people in places that most New Yorkers (including many people in this office) would be hard-pressed to find on a map. Then, there was a case in the Tri-State area, followed by another and then another. Next, the unthinkable happened. The number of…

Coronavirus and Your Job

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak spreads, people who have jobs are worried about contracting the virus at work or during their commutes. Generally, if employees cite coronavirus concerns and refuse to come to work, employers can legally terminate them. Working from home is not a fundamental right even under the Americans with Disabilities Act. However,…

Two Children Killed In Brooklyn Traffic Accidents

Last week in Brooklyn, two children were fatally hit by vehicles in a traffic accident, while walking to school. The first death occurred last Tuesday when a ten-year-old girl crossing the street with her older brother was hit by an empty school bus making a right turn. Just two days later and two miles away,…

Coronavirus: Updates and Facts

On Friday, officials in Washington State, Oregon, and California reported coronavirus disease 2019 infections among individuals who had not been traveling overseas or had any known contact of someone who might be infected. These three cases- a Seattle high school student, an Oregon elementary school employee, and a Santa Clara woman with a compromised immune…

Legal Options for Mesothelioma Patients

Mesothelioma is an aggressive, non-curable cancer that causes extreme physical and emotional duress for victims and emotional duress for the families of those who pass away due to this disease. If its cause is related to employer negligence, victims and their families have valid legal claims—even if a previous employer is no longer in business.…

How are We Fighting the Opioid Crisis in 2020 America?

The opioid crisis in the US has been building since the 1990s. Today, opioids have become the primary drugs causing overdose deaths, and the National Safety Council reports that the odds of dying from an opioid overdose are now higher than those of dying in a car crash. But public awareness of the crisis has…

Can Doctors Perform Pelvic Exams Without Asking?

Before she had stomach surgery at an Arizona hospital, Janine specifically told doctors she did not want a pelvic exam. They gave her one anyway. And, this was not an isolated incident. Only a few states in the Union require pelvic exam informed consent. In most cases, doctors or even medical students may perform such…

TikTok’s ‘Skull Breaker’ Challenge: Unsafe as it Sound

The dangerous and possibly fatal stunt began in Spain and has spread worldwide. Already, several U.S. children have sustained permanent injuries while partaking in the challenge. In the Rompecráneos (skull cracker) stunt, three children stand in a line. When all three jump simultaneously, the two outside children kick to the inside, causing the middle child…

Hospital Infection Kills Infant Heart Patient

Baby Elizabeth Hutt survived multiple open heart surgeries during her first six months of life, but she could not survive an Aspergillus Mold infection she contracted in a hospital emergency room. A subsequent hospital investigation determined that the Aspergillus Mold spores came from the hospital’s HVAC unit. Fourteen children developed the same infection beginning in…

What to Do Immediately After a Car Accident

If you have been involved in a car accident, you know it can be very difficult to think quickly and to know what you should do next. But a wrong move could result in you accepting liability for a crash that wasn’t your fault. That’s why it is pivotal to know beforehand what you should…

Lasting Impact of the Kingston Fossil Plant Coal Ash Spill

The Kingston Fossil Plant coal ash spill happened over a decade ago, in December of 2008. But the spill’s severe and lasting impact is still affecting residents of the surrounding areas today. It was the biggest coal ash spill in history in the United States, marking a monumental environmental disaster that resulted in a lake…

Walgreen’s in Hot Water Over Phony Pharmacist

The drugstore chain agreed to pay $7.5 million in fines after an unlicensed pharmacist at several San Francisco Bay locations illegally filled more than 700,000 prescriptions over a ten-year period. According to California prosecutors, Kim Thien Le stole license numbers from other pharmacists to fill prescriptions for Fentanyl, morphine, and other painkillers. Le pleaded guilty…

Zantac Injury Attorneys

Over-the-counter Zantac (Ranitidine) is already one of the largest-selling antacids in the United States. Annual revenue exceeds $125 million. That market share was expected to triple by 2026. Then, the Food and Drug Administration found a dangerously-high level of a cancer-causing compound in Zantac. The watchdog then ordered Sanofi to stop selling the drug in…

Benzodiazepines: Overlooked Part of the Opioid Epidemic

Over a two-year period, doctors wrote almost sixty-six million prescriptions for diazepam, alprazolam, lorazepam, and other “benzos.” These drugs are highly addictive and have extremely harmful side effects. Doctors often prescribe benzos for anxiety or sleeplessness. These drugs are highly addictive. Additionally, among older adults, benzodiazepines significantly increase the risk of falls. Dr. Joanna Starrels,…

Current Coronavirus Crisis Might Just Be the Beginning

Some experts predict that the 2019-nCo virus might be infinitely more dangerous than the early 2000s SARS outbreak which killed 800 people and infected about 8,000 others. The warning came as the casualty count in China continues to climbed to 2,700 infections and 80 deaths. According to models, the number of domestic infections could reach…

Alaska Dentist Extracted Tooth While Riding a Hoverboard

An Anchorage dentist was convicted on multiple criminal counts, including Medicaid fraud and failing to abide by the medical standard of care. Superior Court Judge Michael Wolverton said the state presented an “overwhelming” amount of evidence during a five-week trial. According to prosecutors, Dr. Seth Lookhart performed a number of unlawful acts. That included sedating…

Panthers LB Luke Kuechly Announces Retirement

The 28-year old from Boston College was the Rookie of the Year in 2012 and the Defensive Player of the Year in 2013. In 2021, he will not suit up at all. Citing the risk of multiple concussions, Luke Kuechly said he was stepping away from football. Kuechly sustained serious head injuries in 2015, 2016,…