
Showing posts from March, 2019

What You Need to Know About Amusement Park Injuries

Amusement park rides like roller coasters and Ferris wheels and bumper cars are a lot of fun but are also the leading cause for injuries among those who report getting hurt while at theme parks. Injuries can range from cuts and bruises to broken bones and head trauma resulting in brain injuries. The most serious…

Automobiles and Asbestos Use

In the past, automobiles and parts were frequently made with asbestos-containing materials. Before it was known how dangerous it was, asbestos was used for durability, insulation, heat resistance, and fireproofing- all things that are very important when working with intricate and vital automotive components. Many car parts have to endure high friction or intense heat situations…

Second 737 Max Disaster Prompts Serious Questions

Less than two years after aerospace giant Boeing introduced its 737 Max with tremendous fanfare, two of these planes have crashed and hundreds of people have died. The families of those lost deserve compensation for their losses. In March 2019, an Ethiopian Airlines 737 Max crashed just minutes after it took off from Addis Ababa.…