
Showing posts from August, 2019

Colton Haynes & Dylan McDermott Share Addiction Stories

The former Arrow regular is just starting the road to sobriety, and the veteran actor has successfully stayed on that path for thirty-five years. In 2018, a combination of “depression, anxiety, alcoholism, & addiction” forced Haynes into a California hospital. Yet he describes his recovery as “the most beautiful struggle I’ve ever had to go…

What You Need to Know About Insurance Fraud

“Insurance fraud occurs when an insurance company, agent, adjuster or consumer commits a deliberate deception in order to obtain an illegitimate gain. It can occur during the process of buying, using, selling or underwriting insurance. Insurance fraud may fall into different categories from individuals committing fraud against consumers to individuals committing fraud against insurance companies.…

Napoli Shkolnik works on PFAS Case In New Mexico

Water contamination continues to plague every corner of the United States. A notable water contamination is the Flint Water Crisis, which involves lead exposure.    Napoli Shkolnik client Art Schaap’s dairy farm located in southeastern New Mexico continues to be devastated by a different type of environmental pollution. More specifically, traces of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl…

Having a Safe and Fun Time at a Campground

Many families enjoy camping out during the warm weather months, and if you are planning on a trip to the campground, there are many tips that you can follow to ensure your safety during a fun-filled adventure in the great outdoors! From food to fire to activities to travel it is important to do everything…

Understanding Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Personal injury law, which is also known as tort law, allows someone to pursue legal action against another party that caused bodily harm (medical malpractice lawsuit) or some sort of injury or damages to the individual. There are many different types of situations that can lead up to a personal injury case, although not all…

FDNY Firefighter Comments on 9/11 VCF Extension

In a move which ended years of financial and other squabbles, on July 29, 2019, President Donald J. Trump signed into law a bill to extend 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund eligibility and payments for the next seventy-three years. Prior to the reauthorization, Senators had voted 97 to 2 to reauthorize the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund…

Essential Summer Travel Planning Tips

Summer is the time for family vacations and grand travel adventures but it is important to take the time to plan for the trip and make all arrangements and necessary preparations. Here are some of the things you should be keeping in mind while preparing for that big vacation, road trip, plane trip, or other…

High Risk Occupations

What You Need to Know Before It’s Too Late Some jobs are inherently more risky than others. Firefighters and Miners, for example, have a high probability of injury and death than your typical office worker. Even still, every occupation carries a certain amount of risk. Even occupations that you would think are low risk have…

The Prescription Opioid and Heroin Crisis

Pain is something we all experience in some way shape or form throughout our lives and we always want it gone as soon as possible. When you are living with severe pain from an injury, during surgery recovery, or from a disease or illness, you can reach a stage where you are desperate for relief.…

Newark, NJ Receives Bottled Water Due to Lead Poisoning

Officials admitted that the filters designed to keep lead out of the drinking water supply have not worked, so they have turned to Plan B. In 2018, the City of Newark (New Jersey) distributed over 40,000 water filters to local residents, in response to extremely high lead levels in the public water supply. But a random test…

The Difference: Identity Theft & Medical Identity Theft

Identity theft, which is basically stealing someone’s financial and personal information for personal gain, is considered to be the fastest growing crimes in the United States. In the US, identity theft costs people around $5 billion annually. Personal information such as Social Security numbers, birth dates, address, and bank information are what is needed for…

Is Your Employer Liable for an On-the-Clock Car Accident?

When it comes to liability for employers, they should be aware of the finer nuances of the law to protect themselves in the event that an employee is involved in an accident. Although you may think that it is a matter of common sense that an employee is responsible for his own conduct, the law…

Don’t Kid Around With Your Child’s Toys

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and their safety is always a priority. Parents buy toys to put a smile on their child’s face, but what happens when toys do more harm than good? Items you buy from toy stores and online vendors may seem innocent on the surface, but underneath…

Medi Teddys to the Rescue

A young girl struggling with a rare autoimmune disorder had a unique idea to make the medical process easier for child patients, their families, and their caregivers. When she was seven years old, doctors diagnosed Ella Casano, who is now 12, with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura. ITP causes the patient’s body to attack its own blood…

What is a Food Allergy and Can it Lead to a Lawsuit?

Most of us have heard the term ‘food allergy’ or have had friends, family, or co-workers mention that they are allergic to certain foods. But what exactly is a food allergy and how could it result in a lawsuit? A food allergy is a negative reaction that the body has when certain foods are consumed…

E-Cigarette Maker Apologizes for Teen Vaping ‘Epidemic’

Almost overnight, Juul became the leading provider in the burgeoning e-cigarette market. Recently, company CEO Kevin Burns said that he was “sorry” so many teens were using the product, as vaping is not safe for minors. “It’s not intended for them,” Burns offered. “I hope there was nothing that we did that made it appealing…